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    Identification data

    Identification data

    1. Tax Identification Number (TIN): 111374152

    2. Company Identification/Registration Number (legal entities, entrepreneurs): 21471569

    3. Authorized Person’s Name and Surname: Jasmina Lazovic

    4. Information on Registered Office: Republika Srbija, Beograd

    5. Municipality: Novi Beograd

    6. Place: Beograd

    7. Street and House Number: Jurija Gagarina 273

    8. Email:

    9. Telephone Number: +381 (0)60 383 33 26

    Activity data

    1.Company Name: SETROX doo Beograd-Novi Beograd

    2.Business Activity Code: 4651

    Bank account and information

    1.” HALKBANK ” A.D.
    Place: Beograd
    Current account number: 155-0000000040311-36